Blue Fire Pointer

Rabu, 24 Juni 2015


Nama : Yulianawati
NPM : 17211646
Kelas : 4ea21
Tugas : Complaint letter

Juni 23, 2015
Melanie Brown
Shipping and Receiving Departemenet
New Tech Answer
50 Orchard Road
Jakarta, PA 17151

Dear Mr. Brown
In a recent shipmnet from New Tech Answer, there were two problem : we received the wrong manuals and our account was incorrectly billed.
On may 20, we placed the following order : six boxes of TMESS-128 and one handred packs of MMM- 7662. On Juni 23, we received ESS-128 or MM-7662.
We order returning-under separate cover-the three copies of ESS-128 and fifty of MMM-7662.
Please send us the two (2) manuals that we ordered. Also, please correct our account, no. 8940 NT. The invoice was for US$153. One correct invoice total should be can 15.453, or at today’s exchange rate, US$2770. A coppy of the invoice is enclosed.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Cordially yours,


Purchasing Supervisor